Healthy Ice Cream Recipes

There is a general misconception about healthy food, that it is not tasty. We all want to opt for the healthy but when you think about it, who wants to eat tasteless food, or how long can you keep it up? As someone who have been staying on the healthy side of things for so long, I can tell you that healthy doesn't mean not delicious. I am a fat soul and I cannot live without enjoying my food. You might think that I got used to the taste of healthy food because I am going on it for so long, and it is true that your eating habits are only habits and when you choose differently, you do get used to it and eventually build new habits. But that's definitely not the case here. I have some friends who are strictly against healthy eating. When I have them over at my house as guests, I refuse to serve them something that I would not normally eat. So I am serving them one of my healthy or paleo deserts along with coffee and I can tell you with great pleasure that they are enjoying every bite and cannot tell the difference.

In summer avoiding the ice cream would be the biggest challenge for most healthy eating newbies. So I would like to share with you some of my favourite, most delicious and easiest alternatives for the hottest days of summer.

1. Strawberry
This one can actually be done with pineapple, peach (peeled) or mango as well.

4 cups of frozen strawberries (I always make sure they are not completely frozen and not completely melted)
1/4 cups Low fat yogurt or creamy coconut milk
3 table spoon or less Agave syrup

Few drops of lemon juice (optional)

Blend everything together and if you are using ice cream moulds, separate your ice cream, and put it back into the freezer for another 5-10 minutes before you serve. As easy as that...

2. Banana

This is for my cocoa cravings.

2 peeled and frozen ripe bananas (similarly you can wait for them to soften a little bit)
2 (or more tablespoons) unsweetened 70% cocoa powder
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter (optional to make it more creamy but it has a strong taste that suppresses the taste of banana)


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